Sunday, October 20, 1991

1891 :: Death of Miss Bulah Loper

Dallas Morning News, October 20, 1891. Taylor, Tex., Oct. 19. -- Miss Bulah Loper, a young lady of Rockdale, and cousin of Mrs. B. Garry and Mrs. Minar Brown of this place, died at Sherman university to-day. Remains will be interred at Rockdale to-morrow.

Sunday, October 13, 1991

1891 :: Death of G.W. Williams

Dallas Morning News, October 13, 1891. Mineola, Tex., Oct. 12. -- G.W. Williams of Rockdale suicided here last night by taking twenty grains of morphine. He came here from Rockdale on Friday with a cotton-planter, which he placed on exhibition at the fair. He was found on the steps of his boarding house at about 6 o'clock Sunday evening. The doctor worked with him until 3 o'clock this morning, when he died. The Knights of Pythias, of which order he was a member, took charge of the remains and wired the Knights of Pythias lodge at Rockdale of his death. They received a message to forward the body there, which was done at 4:40 on the International and Great Northern train. He told some parties that he was going to kill himself, but they thought nothing of his threats, and consequently he was not watched.